
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Camille McPhee Fell Under the Bus by Kristen Tracy - OPTIONAL

Tracy, Kristen Camille McPhee Fell Under the Bus 304 pg. Delacorte Press, 2009. Language-G; Sexual Content-G; Violence-G. $16.99. As a young fourth grader, Camillie McPhee comes to realize that sometimes life just isn't fair. From her best friend moving to her parents separating to falling under the bus, she knows life has its ups and downs. But what she also comes to realize, with the help of her new friend, is that she always gets back up. 
The final moral of the story is fantastic, but getting there was tough. I didn't feel like this book was written exceptionally well as it just seemed like a rumbled, jumbled, random thought process of a 10 year old. However, with that in mind, I think kids in 4-5th grade might like this book. It does do a nice job of touching on some issues young kids might have to deal with though. And the title and cover completely catch your attention. EL/MS-OPTIONAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher. 

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