Snicket, Lemony Illustrated by Kalman, Maira 13 Words, 40 pgs. HarperCollins, 2010. $31.25. EARLY READER.
Thirteen words that seem unrelated are brought together, one introduced at a time to create a short story. A despondent bird is given cake by a dog. The bird stays home to paint ladders while the dog goes on a drive with a goat in a convertible. They go hat shopping in a haberdashery and when they finally come home to their Mezzo-Soprano owner, the dog cheers up the bird by giving it a hat.
While I liked the potential for fun from the clever, challenging, and fun to say words, overall this story was not to my liking. I am not a huge proponent of a traditional plot, especially in such a simple and short book, but this mess just left me with a headache. I didn’t like the imagery nor did I get a sense of the freedom and nonsense that should come from this type of silliness. I honestly think that students could come up with a story similar to this (or better) on their own or as a class –with randomly chosen words and a little guidance.
K-3 –OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.
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