
Friday, April 8, 2011

Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine - OPTIONAL

Levine, Gail Carson Tale of Two Castles, 216 p (app.) MAY 2011.  Content: G.  Elodie, 12, has been sent off by her parents to apprentice herself to a weaver, but Elodie’s dream is to be a Mansioner (actor).  Instead she finds herself with a dragon as a mastress – a dragon who fancies itself a detective – in a city that has a human King and an ogre who is engaged to the Princess.  Someone is poisoning the king and the easiest target is the ogre, but Elodie really likes Jonty Um, the ogre, and is happy to help her mastress puzzle out the crime – even when the finger points directly back at Elodie.  Levine has constructed a medieval, scaly Sherlock Holmes in a distant land.  The audience is young, but they had better be smart, as Levine doesn’t give away the answers easily.  But the smart reader will find it is worth the patience.  EL – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher.

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