
Friday, April 15, 2011

Show Dog's Joiurney by Loretta Krupinski-ADVISABLE

The Snow Dog's JourneyKrupinski, Loretta, Snow Dog’s Journey. Dutton Children’s Books, 2010. PICTURE BOOK.

One frosty, cold morning, two children build a dog out of snow. They give him two shiny pebbles for his eyes and one for his nose. They also wrap a scarf around his neck. Every night, the two watch him from the window before they go to sleep. Until one night the Frost King breathes magic into the snow dog and brings him to life. The snow dog runs, plays, and goes on adventures with the king, but never forgets the children who created him. Will he stay with the Frost King or return to his children?

A fun fairy tale to read aloud. The text is well-wrotten. The illustrations are beautiful and add a lot to the story. Young children who like dogs, fairy tales, and magic will enjoy having this book read to them. Pre-K, EL(K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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