Stein, Tammer. Kindred, 265 p. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. $16.99. Violence- G; Language- PG-13 (20 swears, 4’f’) Mature Content: PG. After being visited by the archangel Raphael, Miriam is given a mission. But in her confusion, things go awry and she is only partially able to do the task the angel has given her. Feeling guilty, she visits with her twin brother, Mo, and finds that he has been visited by the devil. After quitting college and moving to a new town, Miriam has to decide if her well being is more important than her brother’s soul. This book has a bit of a different plot, which tends to keep you interested. It’s a pretty unique storyline for the whole “Angels and Demons” theme among books. It kept me interested in Miriam’s well being up until the end, so it was worth the read. MS, HS- ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: AL
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