
Friday, April 1, 2011

The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan - ESSENTIAL

Ryan, Carrie The Dark and Hollow Places, 374 p. Delacorte (Random), 2011.  $17.99.  

Violence: PG-13 (this is a zombie book, folks).  

Annah has survived alone for three years in the Dark City - what little remains of New York City after the zombie apocalypse – and just as she is ready to take matters into her own hands and head back to the Forest of Hands and Teeth to find out what happened to her parents and the twin sister that she and Elias left behind on the forest path those many years ago, she instead reunites with her sister, is pushed right into the middle of the increasingly awake zombie horde, and has to make worse choices than she has ever made in her entire life.  

You’d better check your hearts folks – Ryan doesn’t more than a few seconds to catch your breath as she leads you, willingly, from one terrible situation to the next.  Is there hope, you ask?  Now that would be telling.  Grab the book and get to reading.  You will not regret it.  

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

FYI - Lucky, lucky me - I got to hear Carrie talk at the Salt Lake City Public Library this week.  Shame on all of you SLC-ites who weren't there. I have a great quote for Carrie: "The only thing worse than a zombie is a flaming zombie."  We are burst into laughter - and she of course had to get us under control :)  She also told us that her husband has naming rights her all of her books.  I think he has done a fabulous job.  

Here are links to the trailers -

Now go read the book - you won't be sorry.  You may be afraid, but you won't be sorry.

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