
Monday, March 21, 2011

The Wonderful Future that Never Was by Gregory Benford

Benford, Gregory and The Editors of Popular Mechanics The Wonderful Future that Never Was, 208 pgs. Hearst, 2010. $14.86. CURRICULUM CONNECTION.

This book is a collection of excerpts from Popular Mechanics magazine from 1903-1969. It features those illustrations and articles that endeavor to predict the future. The book is divided is first divided into topics such as ‘The City of the Future’ and 'Home, Sweet Home of Tomorrow'. Contained within are the predictions that relate, which are thoughtfully labeled by year and accompanied by many vivid color illustrations.
The potential for this to be an absolutely fascinating book is undermined by the lack of prediction outcome. I wanted to know if each and every prediction had come true, even in some way, but only a handful list the outcome. (Its used as more of a special feature). While this does leave open the possibility that students could pick a prediction and research it, I found it frustrating. I would have loved to see a prediction with its illustration and even a photo/ blurb of the current outcome. Art students may appreciate this book for the illustrations, of which there are many, which lend themselves perfectly with the popular Steampunk trend.
MS/HS –Optional. Reviewer:Stephanie MLS graduate.

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