
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Warped by Maurissa Guibord

Guibord, Maurissa Warped, 352 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2011. $11.55. Sexual Content-PG.

Tessa takes a shine to an old tapestry her father purchased from an auction. There is something intriguing about the unicorn featured on it. She starts dreaming about a girl who lived 500 years ago. These dreams reveal a girl who innocently helps to trap a unicorn, which is really a handsome young man enchanted by an evil crone. When the original owner wants the tapestry back Tessa pulls a single thread as a keepsake and discovers unraveling this thread has unravel a spell. Suddenly Tessa finds herself juggling her feelings for a freshly un-enchanted man, facing with an evil crone out for revenge, and even worse coping with three ancient powers, upset that the weave of the tapestry of life has been altered.
Warped is long wholesome romance story with a fast paced plot that has all of the elements of a classic fantasy with a few twists. However, because the plot was fairly linear and predictable and the character building was a bit too sparse, I found myself apathetic towards the outcome. Readable but unsatisfying.
MS HS –OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Stephanie MLIS graduate.

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