
Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Reinvention of Bessica Lefter by Kristen Tracy

Tracy, Kristen The Reinvention of Bessica Lefter, pgs. 305 Delacorte Press, 2010. $15.99. Language-G; Sexual Content-G; Violence-G;  Bessica's life just seems to be falling a part right before her eyes. She loses her best friend and can't seem to find how to make new ones. Can she figure out a way to patch things up with her old best friend and her grandma? I really thought that this book just zoomed by. It could of been longer, and maybe the author could make a new one. I thought that they way the author wrote the book was kind of terrible. Maybe the author could rewrite it, and hen make a sequel. EL-MS-OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: K.B.

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