
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Other words for love by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

Rosenthal, Lorraine Zago Other words for love, 368 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2011. $12.23. Language-PG-13 (10+Swears, 8 ‘f’); Violence-PG-13; Sexual Content-R.
This book provides a whirlwind of all the experiences that can confront a typical teen girl living an average middle class life -all rolled into 368 pages. Ari finds her way through the rollercoaster ride of the late teen years; from disappointing crushes, broken romances, pregnancy scares, stress about grades, contemplation of suicide, low self-esteem, and trying alcohol. Ari grows up as you watch her navigate these all important life lessons that have to be tried to learned, despite all our parents advice.
The writing is infused with side stories and random memory associations that serve to bring the main character of Ari to life. However I didn't like checklist feel that the parade of stereotypical teen experiences produced. The sexual content is high so public library is the best bet for this book.
HS –PUBLIC ONLY. Reviewer: Stephanie MLIS graduate.

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