
Monday, March 14, 2011

My Cat Isis by Catherine Austen & Virginie Egger

Austen, Catherine  My Cat Isis, Illustrated by Egger, Virginie.  Kids Can Press, 2011. $13.22. PICTURE BOOK. CURRICULUM CONNECTION. Content: PG Violence: PG

This picture book is an alternating set of facts about Egyptian goddess Isis and a modern day cat also named Isis. The information about each is presented on facing pages. The facts are sometimes in harmony (an apples to apples comparison) but more than often are unrelated, which I found confusing. While the historical information about the Goddess Isis is accurate, it also offers hard to pronounce names and some sophisticated terms like civilization and worship. There are also complex concepts like killing and the marriage and production of a child between siblings. This is in contrast to the pages about the cat Isis, which are perfect for a younger elementary student, featuring simple text and adorable collage artwork. Despite my excitement about introducing a love of ancient Egypt to a younger age group, I would not recommend this book. Older children may find it boring, while younger children may be confused by the terminology. I find I am already exhausted imagining trying to explain the content about the goddess Isis to curious youngsters. Additionally, I would have liked to have seen at least a cameo appearance by Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of cats. EL. Elementary –NO. Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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