Marrone, Amanda Master of Mirrors (Magic Repair Shop Book 3) , 192 pgs. Aladdin, 2011. $5.99.
Content: G
In Maggie’s latest adventure, an old family enemy teams up with her greatest enemy Milo. Together they trap three of Maggie’s friends in a magic mirror and create a set of impossible tasks that must be completed in order to save them. Forced to work with Darcy, an annoying fellow student and magic user, Maggie sets off to save her friends. Together start their journey, armed with their magic, wits, and luck.
This is the second book I have read in the series, (3rd book in the chronology) and some things starting to grate on my nerves. Although both books are fast paced they are not page turners. First off, the magic users are basically all powerful, making up spells and wishes on a whim, so the danger element is totally lost. Second, because there is so much action there is very little meaningful story building. Third, and worst of all, is the author likes to make us cringe. Maggie’s school and a variety of characters are built to be annoying. I dreaded reading that Maggie was about to head off to school, maybe more than she did. Additionally there were many references to the very first book in the series. I would say not to venture into this one without that prior read. (Do I even have to mention how icky it was to read the word ‘Bromance’ in context. Ugh).
Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.
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