
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan - ESSENTIAL

Sheehan, Anna A Long, Long Sleep, 352 p. Candlewick, AUG 2011.  

Language: PG (11 swears, no ‘f’).  

When Rosalind Fitzroy went to sleep, she was 16 years old, her parents and her boyfriend were alive and the world was right.  Sixty years?  She’s been asleep for sixty years?  And NOTHING in the world is the same – not even Rose.  As she struggles to get used to school, to her guardians, to her fame, she has no one to turn to, except for a nice young man who reminds her of someone she used to know and another young man who has no voice, except through the pages of her electronic notebook.  Someone or something seems to be out to kill Rose, though, when it comes right down to it, that is only a minor problem that Rose needs to confront in order to make things right.  Make HER right – for probably the very first time.  

Once I started reading, I just could not put this book down.  While there is a little danger and intrigue, it is really Rose and the people around her that make for such a compelling story.  I can’t wait for my friends to be able to read this too.  


Cindy, Library Teacher

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