Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds I Like Him, He Likes Her, pgs. 630 Atheneum Books, 2010. $9.99. Language- R-13 (20 swears); Sexual Content-PG-13; Violence-PG; Now that Alice is in High School, she feels really alone and busy. Between the play, her dads marriage, work, school, and the school newspaper, she doesn't have time for friends. But what she doesn't understand is her BFF'S distance. Can she fix it over the summer? I think that the book was pretty good and a fast read. The author used some words that were inappropriate quite a bit (No F word). It was a little weird that it was one book, but had three different books in it. I enjoyed it but was a little confused. Plus the author leaves you stranded on a cliff at the end. Will there be another? MS-HS-ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: K.B. (Alice Alone, Simply Alice, Patiently Alice)
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