
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Exposed by Kimberly Marcus - ESSENTIAL

Marcus, Kimberly Exposed, pgs 260. Random House New York, 2011. $16.99. Language- PG-13 (9 swear words), no "f", Mature Content- PG-13 (sexual ecounters/ not described but hinted throughout book); Violence-PG.  Liz and Kate have always been "forever bests." Liz has always enjoyed taking photos and Kate has always loved being the center of the photos.  Suddenly a fight at a slumber party turns bad and their friendship is jeopardized when Kate accuses Liz's brother of serious crimes.  Can Liz remain friends with someone she may not believe to be true or support her family.  I really liked this book.  I liked how it was written in poem form but was still incredibly written.  This story did evolve around the accusation of rape so I wouldn't recommend this for anyone under middle school. HS- ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: BJS

Read this great interview on the "Poetry for Children" blog

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