
Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Chaos by Rachel Ward

Ward, Rachel The Chaos (Numbers #2), 339 pgs. Chicken House (Scholastic), 2011. $17.99. Language R (85 swears, 49 "f"). Sexual Content PG 13; Violence PG 13; Adam can see your death. He can see every one's. He has always felt so alone, like he was truly crazy; that is until he met Sarah. Sarah has had the same nightmare every night for a long time. These two unite when they both realize that a tragedy is going to take place in a few day's time. I really enjoyed reading this book. The idea that someone could see death dates is fantastic and compelling. I loved reading it and it often kept me up late into the night. Even after I finished the book I would stay up and think about the book and what actually happened. It was an amazing read! This student would love to recommend this book, especially for middle school, but the quality of the writing does not excuse the HIGH swear count, especially all of those “f”s.  NO.   Student Reviewer:  Kylie Usher

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