
Sunday, March 20, 2011

After All You're Callie Boone by Winnie Mack

Mack, Winnie After All You're Callie Boone, pgs. 168 Feiwel and Friends, 2010. $16.99. Language- G; Mature Content-G; Violence-G; Callie's summer is just terrible. Her best friend for a reason unknown dumped her. But why would she do that? Over the summer Callie realizes, maybe she needs a new best friend. When her new neighbor Hoot becomes just that person, can she accept her coming school year changes with Hoot at her side? This book was a short one, I really thought that the author leaves you at a cliff hanger and should write a sequel. I liked the book's story line, it was inspirational. I loved the details the author used throughout the book. EL-MS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: K.B.

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