Bradford, Wade Why Do I Have to Make My Bed? illustrated by Johanna Van Der Sterre 32 pgs. Tricycle Press, 2011. PICTURE BOOK. $16.99. It is a question kids have been asking for centuries and one they are still asking today..."Why Do I Have to Make My Bed?" Covering different eras of time, the author takes us through Colonial times, Ancient Egypt, the Middle Ages, the Fabulous Fifties and so on, each time with the bed question. The text is clever and true to the specific time period. The best part is when the age-old question is finally answered at the end...mothers are sure to love the answer! Included at the end is a time line of chores kids have been participating in throughout the eras. Fascinating and will love learning this part of history! EL-ESSENTIAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher.
Very cute book, we bought a copy and my boys 3 and 7 love it!!!