
Friday, February 4, 2011

Spray by Harry Edge - NO

SprayEdge, Harry, Spray. Feiwel and Friends, 2010. Pgs. 228.

Language: PG (3 swears, no "f"s), Violence: PG, Sexual Content:G

200 players, 3 weeks. One assassination, pressurized water gun, role-playing game. Each players gets a laminated card, a water gun, and a target. If you get “assassinated” by being soaked from head-to-toe, you have to give up your card. Who will be the last one standing?

What starts out as an intriguing idea, never comes to anything. The character are poorly developed. The plot drags on and never amounts to anything. With a mid-book twist that never occurs and a book climax that never happens, this book becomes superficial and pointless. Fans of water guns and role-playing games would have more fun going and participating in on than reading this book.

MS - NOT RECOMMENDED. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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