
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Ruby Notebook by Laura Resau

Resau, Laura The Ruby Notebook, pages 373 Delacorte Press, 2010. $16.99. Language-PG; Sexual Content- PG-13; Violence-G; Zeeta has been moving from one country to another with her mother all her life. Every year they find a new place to stay. But when Zeeta's boyfriend Wendell comes from Colorado to live with them for the summer in France, everything changes. Their relationship goes from good to bad all in a week! But is Wendell part of the key to find the Sacred Waters? I really enjoyed this book. It was a twist on the Fountain of Youth and had many cultures involved. The author was very good at descriping things with so little words. MS-HS-ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: K.B.

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