
Monday, February 21, 2011

The Fat Boy Chronicles by Diane Lang and Michael Buchanan

Lang, Diane & Buchanan, Michael. The Fat Boy Chronicles, 219 pgs. Sleeping Bear Press, 2010. $9.95. Language PG (8 swears, 0 F’s), Violence PG-13 ( murder, suicide, “cutting”, child molestation, rape, drugs and alcohol), Sexual Content- PG-13. Back of book: “At age 14, 5’5” Jimmy Winterpock weighs 187 pounds. Outside the comfort of his family and youth group, life for Jimmy is a constant struggle. The cruel taunts of his classmates make going to school or playing sports a humiliating experience. He finds relief in his favorite foods, causing him to gain even more weight. Yet he still manages to focus on his goals- to lose weight and win the girl of his dreams.” This book is inspired by a true story. This was a great book! Very insightful! I would suggest all high school kids read it! It is a story about how we all struggle to be accepted and “fit in”. I would suggest it to Middle School students as well if they are mature enough to handle the off page rape, molestation, murder, “cutting”, and sexual innuendos. HS - ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL

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