Quintero, Sofia Efrain's Secret, 263 pgs. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010. Language - PG-13 (127 swear, 10 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG; Efrain wants to go to Harvard. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the money or high enough SAT scores required. In order to retake the SAT, he needs money. In order to go to college, he needs tuition and board money. This means some sacrificing on his part, no class ring and no dating. That is, until a friend makes him an offer that will help him make more than enough cash to do it all. A decent book, but not one I would recommend to other. First, it wears 137 times more than necessary, it has too much Spanish in it that you can't follow unless you speak the language, and I think the end left too many loose ends. I did like the story when I could follow it, but the swearing made it hard to enjoy it completely. MS, HS - NO. Reviewer: CCH
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