
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Choker by Elizabeth Woods

Woods, Elizabeth Choker, pgs. 233 Simon and Schuster, 2011. $16.99. Language- PG-13; Sexual Content-PG-13; Violence-PG-13; Cara has had only one friend. When she moves away, her life seems to fall apart! Then when she thinks things can't get any worse, her friend from back in 5th grade appears. She hides in Cara's house. Things are great with Zoe back, but when 2 girls mysteriously die, Cara starts to wonder what Zoe does all day. I am not really a big fan of this book. It actually gave my nightmares after I finished it. The author just leaves you hanging with no explanation about Zoe and what happened to Cara. As much as it scares me, there needs to be a sequel! HS- ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: K.B.
Sorry if it seems like I hate the book, it just gave me the creeps, yet i really liked it!

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