
Friday, February 25, 2011

Case Closed: Nine Mysteries Unlocked by Modern Science by Susan Hughes

Case Closed?: Nine Mysteries Unlocked by Modern ScienceHughes, Susan, Case Closed: Nine Mysteries Unlocked by Modern Science. Kids Can Press, 2010. INFORMATION.

An explorer and his crew set off to the far reaches of Antarctica and never return. An airplane within 20 minutes of the airport never lands. An ancient city, alive with traders and camel caravans, flourishes in the desert for centuries than disappears in a swirl of sand. These are all common stories over the years that fascinate modern scientists. What really happened in these cases? Modern science attempts to explain these and other marvels throughout time. This book documents their research.

A fascinating book filled with research, science, and marvels. The text is simple and easy-to-follow. The layout is well-done. The research is presented well. Readers who like science, ancient history, and legends will enjoy reading this book. EL (4-6), MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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