
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Camo Girl by Kekla Magoon

Magoon, Kekla Camo Girl, pgs. 218. Aladdin, 2011. $15.99. Language- G (0 swears) Mature Content- G; ' Everyone has something to hide.' Ella and Z have been best friends forever and Z has always been the weird kid and he doesn't care what others think. Now all their friends have ditched them.. Ella wants to become a part of the groups where people won't make fun of her. And then Bailey moves into town, and Ella befriends him with them being the only two black kids in class. Bailey is popular and can make Ella popular to if she stops hanging out with Z. She is faced with a big decision: stay with Z and never be a part of the popular group or abandon Z and become what she's always wanted...              This book was very inspirational. I really enjoyed the fresh ideas and wrenching decisions. I enjoyed reading this book, but I don't think I will keep this book and read it again. It was a one time kind of book. I don't think it would be the first book I would suggest to my companions. MS – OPTIONAL.  Student Reviewer: CG

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