
Monday, January 3, 2011

Your Life, but Cooler! by Crystal Velasquez

 Velasquez, Crystal Your Life, but Cooler!, pgs. 224 Delacorte Press, 2010. $7.99. Langauge- (G) Sexual Content-G; Violence- G; The book is about you. You are deciding whether or not to go out for the school plays lead part. On the way, you have boy & friend troubles. Both of which help you along the way. I kind of enjoyed the book. it was sort of confusing having to remember the letters you chose on the the quiz. Also having to flip through the pages. I liked the plot, but wish it had a main character(that is not you) it would of made a better book. I don't really recommend this book for people who don't like girly books, or have a hard time concentrationg on the book. It was very confusing. EL, MS – OPTIONAL.  Student Reviewer: K.B.

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