
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Warriors in the Crossfire by Nancy Bo Flood

Flood, Nancy Bo Warriors in the Crossfire, 138 pgs. Front Street, 2010. Language - G, Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG; "War is coming soon," but Joseph doesn't want to believe it. His cousin Kento warns him and his dad shows him where to take his family to be safe, but he doesn't want it to be happening. He is forced to accept it when the bombs come. He takes his family to a cave, but they need food and water to survive, especially when some get hurt. World War II was a hard time for many and that is definitely shown in this book. I love the intensity and imagery, even though some scenes made me cry. You can't help but get caught up in this story after you get to know Joseph and Kento in the first couple chapters. MS, HS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: CCH


  1. Thank you for such a fine review - you certainly understood what this book is about. Even though I have written, revised and read this books dozens of times, I still cry.
    Nancy Bo Flood

  2. Thanks Nancy - Actually this was reviewed by one of my 9th grade students. I think you definitely reached your audience!

