
Monday, January 24, 2011

Teenage Waistland by Lynn Biederman

Biederman, Lynn and Lisa Paxer. Teenage Waistland 317 pgs. Delacorte Press 2010. $17.99. Content - R 20+ swears/4 F-word. Char and her best friend, East, are morbidly obese. They apply and are accepted into a clinical Lap Band trial along with several other obese teenagers: Coco, Bobby, Marcie, and a few others. After getting their Lap Band, they are required to keep a food diary and meet as a group on a regular basis. The teens discover that their overeating is caused by one underlying issue or another. I thought this book gave great insight into teenage obesity and brought great awareness and sympathy to other teens in a similar situation. This book would be great for high school or for a child that has weight issues. HS - OPTIONAL (only because of language) Shauna, reading teacher.


  1. Hello Cindy,

    I tried to find your email, but had no success, which is why I'm insead writing in this comment section. I hope that's ok!

    First of all, I love your blog. It’s one of the best I’ve seen (and I’ve been looking at a lot of them!) I'm writing to you in response to your decision to read and review Teenage Waistland by lynn Biederman and Lisa Pazer. I am working with the authors to conduct a survey on teen attitudes toward weight.

    We are asking you to please take a few minutes to review this survey:


    The goal is to reach a cross-section of teens across the country in order to gather reliable information that will enable Biederman and Pazer to address the most pressing topics as they go on their book tour and begin their follow-up novel to Teenage Waistland.

    By posting the attached survey to “Kiss the Book,” you are helping us gather this important information, and we greatly appreciate it.

    We'll be giving away 10 signed copies of TEENAGE WAISTLAND ( randomly selected survey participants! To be entered into the drawing, please leave your email address at the end of the survey.

    Thank you so much in advance for your contribution to this provocative research.

    The Teenage Waistland Team

  2. Hi Team:

    No problem - I hope you get lots of responses!

