
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No Moon by Irene Watts

Watts, Irene No Moon, 232 pgs. Tundra Books, 2010.   $12.95. Language - G, Sexual Content- G; Violence- G; Louisa Gardener is a nursemaid taking care of a wealthy family's children in England in the year of 1912. Still haunted by the memories of her younger brother who drowned, she is in dread when the news arrives of her attending the maiden voyage of the Titanic with the family she works with. Even though readers will already know the terrible fate of Titanic, what they won't know is the brave journey of Louisa and her struggle to keep the children and herself alive on the sinking of the once thought "unsinkable" ship. This book is meant for the readers to get a visual of the Titanic and its short trip that never even met its destination. Sometimes I was astonished how many maids and servants are needed to keep a family going in the year of 1912. I would highly recommend it to those who are interested in the Historical fiction section of literature. MS - ADVISABLE Student Reviewer: HF

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