
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cherub: The Recruit by Robert Muchamore - ADVISABLE

Muchamore, Robert Cherub: The Recruit, 342 p. Simon , 2010, 2004.  $7.99.  Language: PG (British swearing); Violence: PG.  I originally reviewed this book back in 2004, when it was originally released.  Here is that review:
First in the CHERUB series. When James mother dies he enters a group home and gets in trouble with the police. Instead of getting kicked out of the home, he is instead recruited by a very elite group of junior spies for the British government. If he can make it through the grueling 100 day training period then he will be a full-fledged member of the team. If you can buy into (or overlook) the fact that these are 12 year old kids doing all of this, then you will enjoy this series. Akin to the Alex Rider series. MS – ADVISABLE.
I still love this series and point them out to students all of the time.  I like the new covers.  My only hope is that we will get the entire series this time around.  It was first published in England and they have 12 books in their series.  Only 6 of those have ever been released in the US.

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