
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Genius: Great Inventors and Their Creations by Jack Challoner

Challoner, Jack Genius: Great Inventors and Their Creations,  62 p. Carlton (sterling), 2010.  $39.95.  From Archimedes Screw to the World Wide Web, 28 geniuses, their lives and their pivotal inventions are celebrated within these pages.  Many other inventors, scientists and inventions are highlighted.  A variety of facsimiles documents will probably get lost along the way, but the beautiful photographs and the detailed information will last much longer.  While the names may be familiar, the information and side notes are fascinating to read.  I am keeping this one because its engaging text, attractive format, bright illustrations.  I will probably also buy a copy to give to my brother-in-law, an engineer at Northrup Grummond.  SHhhh – don’t tell.  EL, MS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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