Hopkins, Ellen Fallout, pgs.665. McElderry Books, 2010. $18.99. Language- R(123 swears, 31 "f" words) Mature Content- PG-13; Hunter, Autumn, and Summer. They all have very different lives, with different people. But with one thing in common, Kristina. Kristina met the monster when she was younger and all of these people, being her children, are suffering from her decisions. Their lives are not complete and their family is torn by it. These children have to learn to cope with their lives given the circumstances. I absolutely loved this book! The way she layed out the verses were geneous. Her poetic style made me connect with the book way more than most. I would definantly recommend this book to my friends and would like to read any and all of Hopkins other books. This book is rated PG-13 because of some drug use and sexual content. The language is rated R because it has a large amount of swearing, 31 of them being the ''f'' word. MS-HS OPTIONAL (see swear count). Student Reviewer: CG
My students loves Ellen Hopkins books...Glad you did too!