
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford

Standiford, Natalie Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters, pgs. 320 Scholastic Press, 2010. $17.99. Langauge-PG-13; Sexual Content-PG-13; Violence-PG-13; Almighty Lou (Grandma) announces on Christmas the someone in the family has upset her. The whole family will not be in her will when she dies. Can the accused change Almighty's mind before New Years? The Sullivan sisters all have many wrongs but only one is the real upsetter. I didn't like how the book was split in three parts. (One part for each sister) but it gave more to the story and you got a new view from each. I liked the mystery feel about the book, and the end. MS-HS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: K.B.

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