
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Restitution by Kathy Kacer

Kacer, Kathy Restitution, 311 pgs. Second Story Press, 2010. Language- G (2 swears, 0 “f”), Sexual content- G; Violence- PG; Right before the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia, Karl Reiser and his family flee Europe and start a new life in Canada. They leave behind almost everything, including 4 valuable paintings that Karl’s mother loved. In an attempt to get them back, Karl goes through the black market and procures the help of an honest art smuggler. I believe that I can truthfully say that this is one of the best Holocaust-related books I have ever read. Although the subject in itself is very gruesome to read about, this story was extremely informative and touching, and taught me very much. MS-HS-ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: A.W.

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