
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pies & Prejudice by Heather Vogel Frederick

Frederick, Heather Vogel Pies & Prejudice, 371 p. Simon & Schuster, 2010.  $15.99.  Content: G.  The girls and their mothers are back again – this time reading Jane Austen’s beloved work Pride and Prejudice.  But things are strained – Emma’s family is moving to England for a year and they are trading homes with an English family that only has two, albeit handsome, boys.  Cassie is challenged by Tristan the oldest who is an ice dancer and needs a practice partner for the year.  Emma is unsure about being away from Spencer for a year, just as their romance is really starting to blossom.  Megan is whipping up trouble on the internet – sure to cause lots of hurt feelings and misunderstandings.  What I find interesting is that Becca doesn’t have one chapter that is hers.  I can’t remember if this is true of the other books also, but I did find it kind of curious.  I had a great time being with the girls again.  Do I dare hope that we will hear about another year of book club?  After all, they haven’t graduated from high school yet!  EL, MS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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