
Friday, December 17, 2010

National Geographic Wild Animal Atlas: Earth's Astonishing Animals and Where They Live

Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas: Earth's Astonishing Animals and Where They Live, 64 pgs. National Geographic, 2010. $18.95. NONFICTION. This excellently crafted atlas is of only a few select animals from each continent of the world. The book begins with an overview map of the world with pictures of where the animals live and a short introduction on ecosystems. The book is split into sections per continent that are color coded. Each continent section has a map of the continent and brief introductory information about the content; i.e. size, ecosystems, climates, pictures of animals, brief information about the animals, and a spotlight on one animal. The spotlight includes facts about the animal’s habitat, lifespan, size, and diet. Throughout the atlas there are “Animal Bites,” interesting tidbits about specific species; for example, golden poison dart frogs have enough toxins in their skin to kill 20 people (page 23). The pictures are stunning and the content is interesting and pithy. EL – ADVISABLE. Samantha, Public Librarian.

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