
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Odetta the Queen of Folk by Stephen Alcorn

Alcorn, Stephen Odetta the Queen of Folk 40 pgs. Scholastic Press 2010. $17.99. PICTURE BOOK. This story about Odetta, a famous black folk singer from the 1960's is told beautifully. The story is written in rhymes and there are play on words. The story describes Odetta's life as a child, and how she grew up in "Burning Ham." She thought Jim Crow was a person, and later learned they were just laws. After she moved to Los Angeles, she learned how to play the piano and then realized that she could sing as well. She goes on to become a famous singer that sings about the swamps, cotton fields, and Mr. Jim Crow. One of her most famous songs in Gonna Let it Shine. The artwork is great and this provides a good way to get some basic background knowledge on our history during this time period. EL- ESSENTIAL. Anna M - teacher.

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