
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My First Love by Callie West

West, Callie My First Love, 171 pages. Random House, 1995.$ 7.99. Language-G( 2 swears, 0"F"), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G; Amy thinks she has the perfect life except she is missing one thing a boyfriend, but surprisingly she doesn't want one because she thinks it will get in the way of her swimming scholarship, goals, and dreams in life. Her mood changes though when she meets Chris a cute senior from her swim team, and he won't even get in the way of her goals or so she thinks, but when her grades drop and she starts swimming less and less she doesn't know what to think. Amy thought she finally had it all but she might just have nothing instead. This wasn't the worst book I have ever read but it was for sure not the best, it had an older time period (1990's) and I prefer to read books that are more my time. MS/HS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: MM
FYI - This is a reprint from the 1990's Love Stories series.  This series is still popular in my library - so I hope Random House is going to reprint more of them!

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