
Monday, November 22, 2010

The Lying Game by Sara Shepard

Shepard,Sara The Lying Game, 307 pages. Alloy Entertainment, 2010. $16.99. Language- PG 13 (35 swears, 1 "F"), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G (There is a little underage drinking but not a ton.); 17 year old Emma has lived in foster care since she was five years old but still remembers the day her mom took off, everyday Emma wishes she could have her mom back and wonders what she did to make her mom leave her all alone. One day Emma finds a video online that has a girl named Sutton in it that looks exactly like Emma, so she decides to search this girl on Facebook and finds out she has a long lost twin sister. When Emma goes to meet her twin sister she gets kidnapped by her sisters friends and is forced to live in Sutton's life. Everytime Emma tries to tell people that she is not Sutton she is Emma no one believes her. What will happen to Emma, and will she ever find her twin sister Sutton? I really, really enjoyed this book, and it is one of the best books that I have ever read. It is a little scary but keeps you on the edge of your seat and that is what I liked about it. Although this book was a little confusing because in random spots it would switch from one person talking about one thing to another person talking about another thing. Besides the confusing parts I really liked this book. MS/HS- ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: MM

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