
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Love Ya Bunches by Lauren Myracle

Myracle, Lauren Love Ya Bunches, 335 pages. Amulet Books, 2009. $15.99. Language-G (0 swears), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G; 5th graders Violet, Milla, Katie-Rose, and Yasaman were never really friends before fifth grade and besides all having flower names they had just about nothing in common. Milla has a special good luck turtle that she got from her parents and one day it goes missing and its blamed on Yasaman when really it's Katie-Rose and Violet is watching it all from the corner of the room. When mean Modessa or known to the girls as Medusa starts spreading rumors these girls grow closer and learn that they have something even better than the truth, they have friendship. This was a cute book even though it's geared towards 4th and 5th graders it was fun to read and to watch these girls grow closer and find the friendship hidden deep in there hearts. I thought it was a little strange though that this book only took place over a five day time period, because at the begining they didn't even know each other and four days later they are best friend. I think this would be a good book for little girls and I think they would have alot of fun reading it. EL-ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: MM

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