
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Exiled Queen by Cinda Chima

Chima, Cinda Williams The Exiled Queen, 586 p. Hyperion, 2010.  $17.99.  Content:  PG (allusions to light-of-love, but nothing beyond that, small amount of bullying).  Princess Raisa aka Rebecca Morley has fled to Oden’s Ford for some advanced schooling and to get away from the dangers of her mother’s court.  If she lays low, she may be able to escape the notice to her would-be (by force) husband, Micah Bayar.  Hans (formerly “Cuffs”) Alister is also in Oden’s Ford, but he and Dancer are there to learn how to harness their new-found wizard powers – and they have no chance of escaping the Bayar’s notice, as they are in the same school.  Raisa and Han have much learning to do – and some about each other, not just about themselves.  Human and arcane danger will come in many forms – and some of it will hit very close to the heart.  Chima’s writing just gets better and better.  I feel like I am reading something intended for a sophisticated adult audience, not just teenagers who think that Harry Potter or Eragon are the best things out there.  MS, HS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher.

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