
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everything but the Horse by Holly Hobbie

Hobbie, Holly  Everything but the Horse.  PICTURE BOOK.  Hatchette Book Group, 2010.  $16.99.  Language-G (0 swears, 0 “f”), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G;  This book has Holly’s own watercolor pictures in it.  It is about her life.  It feels real and special.  You will find yourself relating so easily to her memories.  Her family buys a farm and she learns to love horses.  She began to dream of owning a horse and she drew them.  Her parents in the end give her a gift and leave it in the barn.  It is not a horse but she names it  “Beauty” and she loves it too.  Sweet book and wonderful for young girls who keep dreaming and working hard for their reality.  EL – ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer:  BMN

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