Larson, Kirby Dear America: The Fences Between Us: The Diary of Piper Davis 320 pgs. Scholastic, 2010. Sexual Content-G; Violence-G; Language-G. $12.99. A part of the Dear America series, this particular book focuses on the life of Piper Davis at the brink of WW II. Piper lives in Seattle where, after America was bombed at Pearl Harbor, her Japanese neighbors were forcibly incarcerated in war relocation camps. Although not Japanese herself, Piper's father is the pastor of the Japanese Baptist church and decides to follow his congregation to their war relocation camp in Idaho. These books are a wonderful way for students to learn more about these specific times in American history. The writers' stories make past events come alive for the readers and help instill a greater appreciation for our predecessors. Also included at the back of each book is a historical note about the time period as well as reproductions of important documents and paintings during that era. The only downside to these books are the new covers they are coming out with. The new covers take away from the diary feel and look too modern...hate the new look but love the stories within. EL/MS-ESSENTIAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher.
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