
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Butterfly by Sonya Hartnett

Hartnett, Sonya.  Butterfly, 232 pgs.  Candlewick Press, 2009.  $16.99.  Overall rating: PG-13. Language-2 swears, 1 “f”.  Sexual Content-PG-13.  Violence-PG-13.  Plum is a fourteen-year old girl growing up in a family of five.  She has self image issues as well as a lack of self confidence.  In her group of “friends” she feels as though she is not completely accepted.  Throughout the book she strives to find her place in her small world of family, friends and neighbors, but never achieves acceptance.  At first her actions seem inconsequential, but in her need for control she affects those around her in a life-changing way.   I originally read this book because there was so much positive buzz about it.  Instead, I was very disappointed by it.  This is a book about a teen, but it is really meant for adults to read.  It is not something that i would recommend or see a need for in a school library.  It is very unremittingly depressing and I did not like how I felt when I was finished with it.  HS – NOT ADVISABLE  Reviewer:  CP

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