
Friday, October 15, 2010

Up Over Down Under by Micol Ostow and Noah Harlan

Ostow, Micol and Harlan, Noah Up Over Down Under 320 pgs. Speak, 2010. Language-G; Violence-G; Sexual Content- PG. $9.99. In the latest installment of the S.A.S.S.(Students Across the Seven Seas) series, native Aussie Billie Echols and American born Eliza Ritter exchange homes and lives for a semester abroad. While Billie is serious about her experience abroad, anticipating to make a mark in the environmental world, Eliza is only interested in Australian boys and beaches. In alternating chapters, we discover they both get what they want but in a way they didn't imagine! Cute book but I wish there were more about Billie. It got annoying to read about Eliza's escapades that ultimately hurt people and broke their trust in her. I think young adults would like this book though. MS-OPTIONAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher. 

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