
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Snowbots by Aaron Reynolds

Reynolds, Aaron. Snowbots, illustrated by David Barneda. Alfred A. Knopf (Random House), 2010. $16.99. A robot community wakes up to a blizzard and the schools are closed for a snow day. Robot children sled, make snow angels, icy sculptures, and snowball fights until they are frozen. Robot parents take their children home and thaw them out with hot cocoa spiced with axle grease, a hot oil bath, and plug them in for a charge. The robotic illustrations are original and quirky. This robot version of a normal child’s snow day drips with charm like “Cereal with gasoline.” The rhymes abound with clever wordplays like “Metallic moms / and dads of chrome / tow their little robots home.” Both children and adults will be captivated by the humor. Pre-K, EL – ESSENTIAL. Samantha, Public Librarian.

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