
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Smile by Raina Telgemeier - ESSENTIAL

Telgemeier, Raina Smile,214 pages. Scholastic, 2010. $,10.99.

Language-G (0 swears, 0 f's), Sexual Content-G;


Smile is a true story about the author when she was younger, it takes you from her first year of middle school up till her first year of high school. One day after girl scouts Raina and two of her friends are racing to her front door when Raina trips and falls face first, her two front teeth fall out and she is in so much pain. Raina spends almost four years trying to get her teeth fixed, and at the same time she is going through some friend troubles, just what every girl wants to go through. Raina is having a tough few years but in the end she learns that life can be tough but you can just pick it up and start over.

Smile is a comic book, and usually I'm not that much into comics, but this is one of those books that just wouldn't be the same without pictures. This is a quick and fun read, and i would recommend it to anyone even if you don't like comics.

Student Reviewer: MM

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