
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Poisoned Honey by Beatrice Gormley

Gormley, Beatrice Poisoned Honey, 303 pages. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010. Language-G(3 swears, 0 F's), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G; Mary is a young girl who thinks everything and everyone in the world is wonderful, and she is sort of living in her own little world. As Mary grows up her parents choose someone for her to marry, and surprisingly he is wonderful and anything she could ever ask for. The day before the wedding disaster strikes and everyone breaks out with a horrible fever and back in these days this is deadly situation. Something happens to Mary and she isn't having the happiest day of her life, but she is having the saddest day of her life. What will happen to Mary next? When I began to read this book I though it was going to be the greatest book in the world, but as I went on reading I grew more and more bored. This book would be better for someone who can relate to what is going on in there life, but it just sort of confused me. I don't really care for books that take place this long ago but if you like this kind of book, this may just be the book for you. MS-OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer:MM

FROM CINDY - I have not read this book, but I did read the back cover info - it is the author's story of Mary Magdelene.  I asked the student reviewer if she knew who Mary Magdelene was and she said "no" and then I asked her if her family was religious and she again said "no", so I have to wonder if the reaction would be different for someone who had a religious upbringing.  Has anyone out there read this also and can give us an opinion?

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