
Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Invisible Boyfriend by Susie Day

Day, Susie My Invisible Boyfriend, 276 pgs. Scholastic Press, 2010 Language- PG-13 (12 swears no "F") Sexual Content- PG, Violence- G.  Heidi is a not-so-popular teenager feels left out when all of her friends have boyfriends/ girlfriends. So she works up this brilliant plan to create a fake boyfriend who is very attractive and super romantic. To give evidence of his "existence" she creates Ed an e-mail account and e-mails herself. Soon Heidi's friends start e-mailing Ed about problems, some of them concerning Heidi. Not to long after Heidi receives mysterious e-mails from a person who calls himself "A Real Boy". Heidi's life seems to go straight down hill from there can she use her detective skills to figure out this whole mess?   I really didn't enjoy this book the plot wasn't always clear at times and it was boring through most parts. OPTIONAL for MS. Student Reviewer: EM

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