
Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Limit by Kristen Landon

Landon, Kristen The Limit, 291 p. Aladdin (Simon), 2010.  $15.99.  Content: G.  Matt’s family leads a pretty cushy life.  The new laws about financial debt have been in place for awhile – any family who exceeds their limit has a kid taken to a special workhouse, but no one Matt knows have ever gone.  Then one day, after a bad scene at the store, Matt is whisked away by a too smiley woman and her two huge goons.  Now Matt seems to be living a cushy life while making money to help his family.  Only problem – he can’t seem to communicate with anyone from the outside.  As Matt pushes the boundaries, he finds some pretty sinister facts.  He is going to have to recruit some help and push back really hard to get the answers he needs – especially when he discovers that his kid sister is living there too – and in not so great conditions.  Perfect fast-paced read for a mid-level boy.  MS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library-Teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I ordered this for my high school classroom...I'm thinking it might be okay for some of my ninth grade students. And, I try to keep a lot of dystopian lit around. Thanks for the review!
